Thursday, March 21, 2013

Peasant Mac and Cheese

Back in the day, when everything was so simplistically segregated, there were peasants. Nowadays, I think that's probably most people. Whoever you are, you should totally doctor up your box of Mac and Cheese when you make it. Except if you're rich. Do rich people eat mac and cheese?

I use Mac and Cheese from a box in this recipe. The sauce kind, with all those terrible ingredients. That's right.

When I make this, I accept no substitute to cheese sauce. This stuff is some brand from Aldi's. It's identical to Velveeta. If you're the kind of person who prefers the powder kind, this recipe might not work for you. Why? Because powder mac and cheese is wack.

I like to sort of kind of have a guideline to what I'm gonna be putting in there.

Yes, I use mustard in my mac and cheese. To make it extra peasant-ey, yellow mustard only!

It starts to happen. Then I walk away to go harvest some peas off my masters land (ssshh don't tell.) Then I throw 'em in about a minute before I drain it.

Drain it. Then, dump a whole can of tuna into the thing, while simultaneously ignoring the green cast my green oven light projects over my cooking endeavors.

Money shot; liquid gold. Although I usually refer to Reposado as liquid gold. Where am I?

Because the shit ton of black pepper I put on it wasn't enough.

I always find more stuff to put in there. Most times, it's green onion.

The best, final part.

I told you! What's better than mustard boobs?

What stuff do you use to gussy up your Mac and Cheese?!

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